

Indiastatmedia is an attempt to make the data widely available to retail users. The data is in a form that is more snackable for instant use as well as comprehensive enough to cover relevant aspects. Yes, some users require a specific piece of data in a chart, graph, or story form for their research work, presentation, or otherwise. Indiastatmedia.com has sourced, organized, and designed data in various visually appealing and innovative formats - various statistical techniques and methods that help present data for easy reference.

The data from various segments have been suitably sourced, curated and packaged for you, be it the economy of India or elections, agriculture or industries, education, health, lifestyle, sports, or any other. There are Infographics, Maps, and Videos that are packed with data that come in handy as you don’t need to search all of that in the maze of the internet - we have already done that for you. There are maps with detailed information on the parliamentary and assembly constituencies of India with even details of towns and villages - something without which your election analysis of India is incomplete.

Indiastatmedia has been conceptualized by Datanet India to provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data in formats like Infographics cards, Maps, and Videos of different sizes.

Indiastatmedia.com is a one-of-a-kind self-serving media platform that offers easy navigation and awesome plans. So, log on to Indiastatmedia.com and keep exploring.

Indiastat Publications


A first-of-its-kind Election Atlas of India which depicts a journey of progression of parliament elections since independence in the form of impressive graphs, charts and thematic maps...



Each Factbook contains details of a parliamentary constituency - from historic election results to demographic and electoral features...



Each Factbook contains details of an assembly constituency - from historic election results to demographic and electoral features...



Each Factbook contains detailed information about a district including socio-economic, industrial, elections and many other aspects. Of the 640 districts of India, the Factbooks of 620 districts are available...
